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suspension q's ?

Discussion in 'Early CJ5 and CJ6 Tech' started by Chore, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. Feb 13, 2006

    Chore New Member

    Guadalajara, Mexico
    Jan 15, 2006
    Hi anyone have a link to see how to make a conversion from leafs to springs in a cj-5 ?

    what you think about this conversion ?

  2. Feb 13, 2006

    Phalanxx Jeep Newbie

    iraq, texas,...
    Jan 13, 2004
    leaves to coils you mean? or switching to wrangler leaves?

    the wrangler springs make a REALLY flexible cj5, but require some building. i have never used coils, but i think it requires alot too.
    might not even get the same effect from coils as you would a great set of wrangler leaf springs (atleast price wise).

    altho they dont make these anymore, we have on this site directions to convert to wrangler springs. here is a pic of some flexing with wrangler springs.
  3. Feb 13, 2006

    twdjeepgod New Member

    riegelsvill, pa
    Aug 15, 2005
    i just put wrangler springs on my 57, but it was quite a bit of work. more than i thought it would. but they work very nice and ride good also.

    as far as installing coils (if that was what you meant) i am friends with some guys who do custom 4links / 3links etc,etc,etc. when i asked them about this on my jeep (before i did the wrangler springs) they said it could be done but not without seriously strenghtening the frame. so basically the cost was to high for me.
    but a goood idea none the less
  4. Feb 13, 2006

    Chore New Member

    Guadalajara, Mexico
    Jan 15, 2006
    Yeah i mean coils sorry. well the money is not an issue because i don't want to pay for someone to do it, i want to do it myself that's why i'm looking on some links to see how is made this kind of conversion.

    i have some waggy "leafs or leaves" :? just in the front and put some big shackles on the rear but the car is extremely hard. and i want a little more soft ride plus some nice flex.
  5. Feb 13, 2006

    Phalanxx Jeep Newbie

    iraq, texas,...
    Jan 13, 2004
    ok, the wrangler springs are long and flat. this is what allows them to flex in the middle. waggy (i am assuming wagoneer) springs are ALOT heavier which will kill your flex and ride.
    the wrangler springs plus a reverse shackel will do you right IMHO. even if you do the work, the kit to buy a cj-coil kit is outreageous. you can go to most 4x4 shops and find some used wrangy springs where someone upgraded to a lift and pick em up for cheep. make some brackets and buy some bolts and you have Great ride and SUPER flex (not to make lite of the work involved). i am going to do the wrangler adaption when i can on my jeep.
    if you are asking opinion, then go with this setup.
    if not, keep a running tab of the coil adaption and let us know the price of it.
    rowdy j
  6. Feb 13, 2006

    Chore New Member

    Guadalajara, Mexico
    Jan 15, 2006
    Cool then you convinced me :) i will go with wrangler then and reverse shackle.. it's good having the reverse shackle on a dd ? it's handle will no be kinda weird ?

    Thanks guys for helping me out making a good decision.
  7. Feb 14, 2006

    Phalanxx Jeep Newbie

    iraq, texas,...
    Jan 13, 2004
    on the reverse shackle, from what ive been told, you dont feel any difference driving and handling. it is when you hit a bump is where the reverse shackle comes in. normally, when driving and you hit a bump, you wheels tend to move backward as they travel over it. but with a normal shackle, it doesnt allow this so it has to flex forward (into the bump). reversing the shackle will allow the suspension to flex backward as it travels over things which really smoothes out the ride. the newer style wranglers are this way and they ride SO much better than my 68.
    so i will be converting to wrangler and reverse shackle on mine when i get some time and mula. power trax is next, followed by the wrangler springs, then i am free to entertain other ideas....=)
  8. Feb 14, 2006

    mb82 I feel great!

    Charlottesville Va
    Mar 17, 2003
    Really? My buddies 94 YJ is front shackle and it caused him to bend both front springs and break the T-case in two when he rearended a honda.
  9. Feb 14, 2006

    Boyink Super Moderator Staff Member

    Tulsa, OK
    Sep 20, 2002
    I think for all the work involved with Wrangler springs I'd sure give the Holbrook long leaves a serious evaluation.
  10. Feb 14, 2006

    Phalanxx Jeep Newbie

    iraq, texas,...
    Jan 13, 2004
    well, the only 2 wranglers i have been in/seen were in my last ships jeep club and they both had reversed shackles. i thought thats how they came.
  11. Feb 14, 2006

    Warloch Did you say Flattie??? Staff Member

    Falcon, CO
    Mar 4, 2003
    Looked at the wrangler option - went with the Holbrooks - will put Holbrooks on my next one as well. I installed them in about half a day.
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