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Xj Swing Pedals For A Cj2a

Discussion in 'Flat Fender Tech' started by Jeepsterjim, Oct 8, 2023.

  1. Oct 8, 2023

    Jeepsterjim Member

    Lincoln, CA
    Apr 25, 2019
    Hi guys.

    I seriously need help with my install of XJ pedals in a 2A.
    I have the XJ pedal assembly and have trimmed the top for fit.
    Made up a 3/16" plate to weld to the engine compartment side of the firewall and a 1/8" plate that butts up against the inside firewall.
    I have found my antique body does not like working under the dash at all and I nearly ended up in the E.R. So, I am asking for your help please.

    I need to know where you folks drilled the XJ upper two mounting bracket holes through the firewall. I will be wanting to use the stock XJ P/B booster and M/C, BUT if you are using a different booster and M/C, please let me know what was used and the mounting location measurements. For input, I am running disc brakes on all 4 corners. Using the firewall/cowl “lip” might be an accurate location to measure from. Help if you can, I will be in your debt.

    Thanks, Jim
  2. Oct 8, 2023

    vtxtasy oldbee 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor

    Tucson, AZ
    Feb 5, 2006
    I wish I could help, but here are too many variables to have a correct answer for your particular mounting location. I usually
    get things right after about 3 times. Almost every custom modification will with a small amount of space to work with.
    dnb71R2 likes this.
  3. Oct 8, 2023

    dnb71R2 ON SABBATICAL 2025 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor

    Grand Mesa, CO
    Aug 13, 2006
    And I have to ditto what John said. It took me a few tries to get my swing pedals configured to work in my CJ.
    Although this is a great modification, there is really no cookbook way through it.
    vtxtasy likes this.
  4. Oct 8, 2023
    Rich M.

    Rich M. Shoe salesman 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Mar 23, 2008
    Every installation is unique. This booster and pedal are from an auto xj. I can tell you the booster ( 10") is pushed up to right under the lip. Can't get an exact measurement but the top holes are about 3 3/4 below the lip. There is sufficient hood clearance. IMG_20231008_170209314.jpg IMG_20231008_170354401.jpg IMG_20231008_170145005.jpg Driver / passenger you'll have to sort out ( the hood covers a fair amount of the fender you can push driver pretty well if you have a clutch slave. My other rig is clutch with Nissan stuff but it's 2000mi away right now) I'd make a booster cad template and lay it out for your application. Note this rig has a Buick V6 and aftermarket tall valve covers. If they were stock I wouldn't have to be so far driver.
    vtxtasy, dnb71R2 and Fireball like this.
  5. Feb 28, 2024

    Jeepsterjim Member

    Lincoln, CA
    Apr 25, 2019
    Sorry for the LONG delay on getting back to you I simply got caught up with everything. I did use the XJ pedals along with the upgrade 8" dual diaphragm booster and a disc/disc M/C with a 1" bore for a 76" CJ5. The booster is as high as I can go without grinding out the lip which makes nonsense to me do do. I now have to figure out the pedal linkage. With no fluid in the M/C I cannot bottom out the M/C before the pedal hits the floor, even if the brake pedal is pulled up and hits the brake light switch bracket. I was hoping to get full travel of the M/C when "dry". Any ideas? I might be having a senior moment, LOL. The stiffener plate shown is a temporary one. I have another that fits tightly along the edges of the firewall. Here's a few pics of the install
    5.jpg 6.jpg
    The Clutch M/C is a wildwood M/C with a 3/4" bore. NOT SHOWN. The xj clutch pedal will also need a little adjustment too.
    vtxtasy and Fireball like this.
  6. Feb 28, 2024

    dnb71R2 ON SABBATICAL 2025 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor

    Grand Mesa, CO
    Aug 13, 2006
    The floor in these old CJs have a significant slant compared to the '76 and later models. The pedals will have to be modified, like heat & bend, to get a suitable configuration. That's what I did anyway.
    Jeepsterjim and vtxtasy like this.
  7. Feb 28, 2024

    vtxtasy oldbee 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor

    Tucson, AZ
    Feb 5, 2006
    There are adjustable pushrods available to get the corrected length if you like your pedal height. I ended up cutting one down
    from the local pick and pull. Welded a stop on my hangers to adjust the height. On the clutch I welded some bar stock to the
    arm for for some offset to the drivers side This brought the clutch slave in to alignment. 1973-ish pedals but pretty much the
    same issues to resolve. Clutch slave is '75 Landcruiser.
    Jeepsterjim, Ol Fogie and dnb71R2 like this.
  8. Feb 28, 2024

    Jeepsterjim Member

    Lincoln, CA
    Apr 25, 2019
    . I have LH/RH taps and am going to make up 2 turn buckles to adjust the clutch/brake rods easily without disconnecting stuff.
    vtxtasy likes this.
  9. Feb 28, 2024

    Jeepsterjim Member

    Lincoln, CA
    Apr 25, 2019
    I drilled out the locations for the booster and brake/clutch M/C 's from a template given to me. Since the brake pedal was hitting the floor, I decided to move the swing pedal assembly up 3/4" of a inch. The pedal still hits the floor. Now I will most likely need to make up my brake lines and temporarily hook up a electric vacuum pump to get the grasp of how to proceed with the pedals. I will need to lower the clutch M/C pedal linkage rod down 3/4" but that is an easy mod.

    dnb 71R2

    Did you cut your pedals and shorten them up? Thanks.
  10. Feb 29, 2024

    vtxtasy oldbee 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor

    Tucson, AZ
    Feb 5, 2006
    I would not worry to much about the travel as your piston should not bottom when bled. I set the rod to just
    touch the piston with it extend as if no brake was applied. There is some geometry and trial and error involved
    as with all modifications and I had plenty to deal with. You will get it. :)
    dnb71R2 and Jeepsterjim like this.
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