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Free 1955 Cj5 Original Seats Springs

Discussion in 'Early CJ-5 and CJ-6 Classifieds' started by ruthcj, Jun 11, 2023.

  1. Jun 11, 2023

    ruthcj New Member

    San Diego
    Feb 25, 2018
    I have the springs for both of the seats out of my jeep. The springs themselves are in good shape. They can be removed from the frames they are mounted on. It is just a tab to bend back that holds them in place.

    I saved them hoping someone out there needs them for an original seat rebuild. Let me know if you are that person.

    THEY ARE FREE to whoever needs them.

    one set still has the old upholstery on them

    text or call me and I can send you pictures. It wont let me upload any.

    Thank You,
    Dandy and Fireball like this.
  2. Jun 13, 2023

    mtjeepcj5 New Member

    Cincinnati OH
    Apr 3, 2012
    I’m interested in these.
    I’ll send you a text.
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