Hello there! Looking to sell a rebuilt Dana 18, its an early 50's small bore, 3/4" intermediate shaft version. Twin sticks, very smooth. I can...
Hi, I need to rebuild my carburetor and it looks to me like a Solex. I have been looking for a rebuild kit and all I can find is Omix. I have had...
I just finished rebuilding my T90/D18 as per ShnitzlHaus. I used a sealed front bearing but now, after coupling it to the bell housing and fill it...
Hello, I'll get right to it. I know nothing other than basic mechanics and fab. Most of my jeeping experience is from making my first cj5 rust...
Hi, I need a good rebuild guide to do my rear axle. Also, if anyone have the part numbers of the bearings and seals (shaft seals included) would...
I just finished rebuilding my TC, but it will not be installed for a long while. Any ideas how to go about storing it? Dry, with fluids...? Any...
I completely rebuilt a T90 a couple months ago to swap into my CJ5. The day to do the swap finally came and my it would appear that the main shaft...
Has anyone tried a water pump rebuild kit? Is it worth it?
Possibly finally found a Buick 225. Wondering if others have tried a marine engine and what issues they ran into. Verified that it is a 225 by...
So I'm not ready yet but I am keeping my eye out for a Warn winch to mount once the jeep is back together. I have been wondering whether the Warn...
I just did this to mine and it works . I am ordering new brushes . I had 11.8 volts and now i get 13.5 above idle ![MEDIA]
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