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Welders And Welding

Discussion in 'The Tool Shed' started by IRQVET, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. Oct 10, 2015

    IRQVET Bubbaification Exorcist

    Tallahassee, FL.
    Feb 5, 2015
    Miller is a contender, but good lord they don't come cheap. I have a mental block of under $1,000 so my wife doesn't skin me alive. This is one of the reason why Hobart Welders are so attractive to me. Understand, I completely agree with what you said; I'm just trying to find a balance here.

    As far as going Lincoln, I'm not completely sold as most are coming from Mexico as of late. I'd like to support the local guy, building and assembling them here in the US. If that means I need to go refurbished to fit my criteria and price point, so be it.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
  2. Oct 10, 2015

    47v6 junk wrecker! 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Oct 25, 2006
    This is my MIG welder.
    I bought it on C/L a couple years ago to replace my Lincoln HD175. I paid 400 bucks for the Airco. Airco was made by ESAB in either chicago or SC. This unit uses a Bernard style gun so parts must be ordered. I just bought a bunch of contact tips and some gas nozzles to keep on hand. The unit is big and at least 30 years old but has 60% duty cycle at 200 amps. Thats really high. The unit this one replaced, the Lincoln HD 175 was fine for sheet metal, but It just couldn't keep up with what I wanted to do. It actually was a great hobby welder with no issues other than needing a new liner every so often. Yes I used it that much.

    This is my TIG welder. I bought this on C/L also for 600 bucks. It is a miller 180 synchro wave. It came with a lot of collets, tungstens and regulator. It also came with filler rod, both stainless and aluminum. Yes it will do aluminum too. I have not yet tried. It was a VERY good deal.

    I made my first TIG welder out of an AC/DC lincoln buzz box. It had no high frequency box, so it was scratch start only, at one amp setting and no aluminum. It was a great cheap way to learn the basics of TIG welding. You buy a torch head with a valve on it for gas and hook it up to the leads of your welder. That lincoln AC/DC 220 I got on C/L for 50 bucks. Throw away price.

    When my MIG welder breaks and if I cannot repair it, I will buy either the miller 211 or the 252. I hope it never does because those welders are expensive and I am cheap.

    I have no training as a welder and am all self taught through trial and error with some books and Youtube videos.
  3. Oct 12, 2015

    IRQVET Bubbaification Exorcist

    Tallahassee, FL.
    Feb 5, 2015
    I pulled the trigger today and went with the HOBART 210. It fit all the criteria and I got one for $802.00 OTD and shipped to my house. I know a lot of people swear by Miller, and HOBART is like their dorky little cousin, but I've used one before and I was extremely impressed that particular machine and how it performed.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  4. Oct 12, 2015

    tarry99 Member

    Northern California
    Oct 29, 2012

    Congratulations , that is a pretty nice little welder which should work out quite well for you.

    Liking Miller or "Blue" is just about the same as one may like a Chevy over a Ford.....once you have one it's hard to change..........although I do also have a Lincoln wire feed............oops did I really say Lincoln? LN-25 25 volt wire feed that runs off of a dedicated 100% duty cycle power supply. In that line of welder the Lincoln is well known & respected for that specialized category of welding.
  5. Oct 13, 2015

    47v6 junk wrecker! 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Oct 25, 2006
    Thats a nice welder. Plug for spool gun and the 110/220 is awesome. Looks like a great deal.
  6. Oct 14, 2015

    SFaulken Active Member

    Bellevue, WA
    May 24, 2011
    Nothing wrong with Lincolns. That was what we went with at the mining/heavy equipment shop I was running a few years back. IdealArc DC600s at 480VAC Three Phase (They were called something different when we bought them, I think they had a name change on their models in the last few years, Using LN-9 and LN-25 feeders, running up to 1/16" Dual Shield Wire. They were beasts. Our TIG units were millers, and we had a couple little Miller 225's around the shop too for light work.
  7. Oct 17, 2015

    IRQVET Bubbaification Exorcist

    Tallahassee, FL.
    Feb 5, 2015
    I was considering Lincoln until I determined they are no longer made in the US; parts are made here, but all other operations have been shipped to Mexico. . . . no bueno IMHO.
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