I meannnnnn....... You've got way more than $300 in parts there! Glove box lid and latch, W/s frame and correct rear view mirror, Decent (seeming)...
I think we're just all excited to help you get this thing running well! :lol: It's such an awesome build. I'm definitely guilty of throwing in...
Could the plugs be black due to a bad/weak coil? Wondering if that could also cause the feeling of being underpowered :susp:
I still think you need to dial in your distributor orientation if you haven't already. Start with the things you're already are aware of that are...
Vintage Jeeper does really nice carter rebuilds you just have to provide a core.
Its atleast got the glove box door and latch!
Thats why i have "HELLA SLOW" Painted on my tailgate in big block letters. :rofl:Keeps the "fingers" to a minimum. I see people squint to read it...
Just wondering since you said you swapped back to original points but didn't mention coil/spark plug wires.... Did you continue to run the...
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