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HELP, Trip comming up!!!

Discussion in 'Early CJ5 and CJ6 Tech' started by Rockin 66, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. Jul 25, 2009
    Rockin 66

    Rockin 66 Rockin 66

    Northern Cal...
    Nov 3, 2005
    No, well it runs...but still dies.....picked up a pump last night and will try to swap it after work...My little brother is comming for a visit so will be visiting local BLM trails on a three day trip hopefully.....Thank you for all of your help...this has definitely been a learning experience mechanical wise...I always search threads before questioning but was unable to find anything that sounded the same... and don't worry Daryl..I don't tighten anything without talking to you guys first:) But its nice to know what those are for.....what manual do you suggest?
  2. Jul 25, 2009
    Rockin 66

    Rockin 66 Rockin 66

    Northern Cal...
    Nov 3, 2005
    Also, I know you guys know your S@&% but you gotta remember.....I am mechanically challenged...for real...Capacitator? Condensor? better get that manual...........
  3. Jul 25, 2009

    Daryl Sponsor

    Bonney Lake, WA
    May 25, 2006
    A factory service manual- the one i find most useful was printed in Nov 71. VERY tattered with a few greasy fingerprints. I believe there is one pdf? on the 3-b page- I am not a computer guy so someone else will have to help out there. I also made a good find at the library, They had almost every service manual immaginable including multiple years for Jeeps. Couldn't check em out, but copies were only a dime each page. Use the Search function and keep asking Questions.
  4. Jul 25, 2009

    kaiser_willys Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2007

    that will change provided you keep the jeep long enoughR)
  5. Jul 25, 2009
    Walt Couch

    Walt Couch 07/02/40 - 10/27/24 RIP

    cordele, Ga.
    Mar 29, 2007
    Capacitor or condenser is one and the same. It is located inside the distributor. I use the uniset which is the condenser/points combo but I have a delco dist with the window for adjusting the points. It's a round silver tube with a wire coming out of one end and a clamp around it to screw down.
  6. Jul 25, 2009
    Rockin 66

    Rockin 66 Rockin 66

    Northern Cal...
    Nov 3, 2005
    Thanks again for all your help guys.. Im gonna get started on some of this stuff and we'll see by monday I guess....
  7. Jul 26, 2009
    Walt Couch

    Walt Couch 07/02/40 - 10/27/24 RIP

    cordele, Ga.
    Mar 29, 2007
    Rcvd your PM and not quite sure what you are referring to. It is best to keep everything in this thread so everyone can follow what is going on. In your PM you said the parts house sold you something that had wires going to the top of the distributor. This really confuses me.. I guess we need to know what kind of dist you are using and engine mods if any. Pic's help bunches. I dont have a pic of the standard cond used. Give us more info and or numbers.
  8. Jul 26, 2009

    alexa New Member

    May 1, 2008
    Get yourself a timing light if you do not already have one, they come in real handy. Hook it up when the jeep quits and see if it lights up when you crank the engine, if it does, your problem is probably gas, if it does not, your problem is electrical. Since it seems to run after cooling down, the ballast resistor is a good bet. Coil less likely but possible. Probably not condenser because they are less likely to repair themselves when cold.
  9. Aug 1, 2009
    Rockin 66

    Rockin 66 Rockin 66

    Northern Cal...
    Nov 3, 2005
    She's back and runnin hard! Turns out it was a faulty propeller in the pump and after a few gas baths had a new one in and on the trail for a test drive.....runs great....now back to the steering issue...THANK YOU for all of your help...now I have extra capacitator, switches, wiring, ignition and lots of hose...:):):):):):):O
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