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Buildup-(pictures-a lot)

Discussion in 'Builds and Fabricators Forum' started by sammy, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. Apr 12, 2008

    jeeper50 jeeps 'till I die

    Spanish Fort. AL
    Dec 20, 2007
    Nice progress!! I need to get my 3B project up and running good. I need an extra garage or workshop in order to do a frame off. But I'm working on that. Keep the pics coming.
  2. Apr 12, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Canuck CJ- It is mint? I was cussing last night while on my own and examining the tub and panels, guess I didn't need to do that R)
    Huntman, pictures! You got another 5?
    Jeeper50, thanks! And good luck!

    And I think Herm is upset with me, he rebuilt my OD and I needed other stuff from him. He called me when it was done like 2 weeks ago, naturally I was in school so naturally I couldn't answer. I returned his call, he had a no answer, so I left a message and emailed him saying I'm ready for the OD but would like to discuss the other parts. He never returns the email and call. Well school blocks me and I never get a chance to email him, so I do last night. Email returned right away and he called me saying that I don't get my calls of emails do I and that my OD's been done for weeks :? So I plan to pay and thats it....
    Ay, caramba

    I think I'll finish assembling my engine today.
  3. Apr 12, 2008

    bkd Moderator Supreme Staff Member 2022 Sponsor

    K-Town Tenn.
    Apr 29, 2007
    but your not complaining Sammy :)....cus it's ready ......rock n roll
    Jim S.
  4. Apr 12, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Heh heh, true that Jim!
    Thanks again for that deal! I'll get some pics of that too when it's attached!
  5. Apr 26, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Well, the OD came and went :( Herm mis read I suppose and didn't do a 29 to 26 tooth swap, so back in the post it goes, but he'll get it back to me :)
    I got a PTO adapter and dual res. MC from him as well. Decided to let someone else fool with the brake lines, so I'll install the suspension, finish it, tow it to someone (telling them DON'T start it) have them run lines, and then I'll start and drive it from home
    Well these are finished and mounted, and they look DANG good if I do say so myself, but I may be biased ;)
    I think this qualifies and the coolest mock up picture, ever.
    <oh yeah, I did most fender work, I need to straighten one and try to remove some dents>
    I found this picture and all of a sudden I realized, Dang, I've come a LONG way
    Herms shippment
    <and credit to Clint, it did go inside the house and not the garage and back into a bag right after the picture>
    I've got my epoxy primer and the thing is, it's been so windy lately I haven't had a chance to spray it :( luckily it hasn't been too humid and it's all been stored indoors

    And that's all I got for now....
  6. Apr 26, 2008

    Jeepman252 Sponsor

    Menomonie, WI
    Nov 20, 2005
    Man, Sammy, your flatty is coming right along! :)

    Your gonna be :driving: that old girl really soon. Lookin really good!
  7. Apr 26, 2008
    Bill F

    Bill F Finally running

    Hillsboro NH
    Sep 22, 2002

    Brake lines are easy. They may not look it at first. Just run them and make sure non of the conections leak.
  8. Apr 26, 2008

    russo Hope is not a method

    Norris, Tennessee
    Oct 28, 2005
    X2 - easiest thing I have done so far - especially with the tub off.
  9. Apr 26, 2008

    canuckCJ Member

    Channahon, IL
    May 6, 2006

    Nice work... getting close. Your making me feel guilty about not touching mine for 3 weeks now. :oops:
  10. Apr 26, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Thanks guys, that's the kinda stuff that "fuels the fire" so to say, and makes me want to get back out there in the garage and work on it more!
    On the brake lines, I've tried to run them once and they all leaked, and it just wasn't a clean job. I also would like to have rock guard on them, and that I just can't do on my own... I think. That and brakes are for safety and bleeding them from start and all, no thanks!
    And canuck, you'll get back to yours, I've fallen victem to the no need to work side a few times, I guess Jeep work is a cycle, work a lot, relax, work a lot, relax.

    And guys on my tub, it appears every PO owned a drill bit of a different size and decided his handy work was needed with a new hole every where he deemed right. Even a bunch of holes in my dash, I think from a speaker. Now it comes time for me to patch those holes. I can't figure out how to though, its not something I can cut a plug out of sheet metal, or just weld over copper, it's right in there. I've tried to cut plugs from a length of steel round bar in various sizes, but its just so hard to cut little slivers :?
    Any idea?
  11. Apr 26, 2008
    Bill F

    Bill F Finally running

    Hillsboro NH
    Sep 22, 2002
    you should just be able to fill it it with the mig. Go slow and use copper on the back of the holes. I filled in fairly large holes on my m38 without even backing it up with copper. Just went slow. It was a spot I couldnt really reach to make a sheetmetal plug or back with copper first.
  12. Apr 26, 2008

    Kman Member

    Feb 27, 2005
    Nice Job Sammy!!! Can't wait to get working on my MB!! Couple of questions. First where did you end up getting your epoxy primer? Second where did you buy your NDT's?
  13. Apr 26, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    My epoxy primer is from Sherwin Williams (You see bare metal there, it's been WAY too windy for me to dare spraying it) I had to get the "restorers works" or whatever, because it was the only suitable one to be used on bare metal. 1 gal primer, 1 gal thinner, 1 qt. catalyst.
    My NDT's were PO installed (meh, I want 32's) and they're Specialty Tires of America
    ( http://www.stausaonline.com/ )(click on Military tires)
    Those guys also have Firestone tires.
  14. Apr 26, 2008
    trawler Scott

    trawler Scott Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Looking good ! the tires and wheels are kewl !

  15. May 3, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Herm's swapping gears as soon as he referbs some.
    School is apparently more important so my build is on pause right now so I can go deal with one heckuva jerk teacher who can't teach. Finals come fast so I'll have time after that.... maybe. I need summer school to try to get credit for PE since my schedule freshman year was messed up.
    I'll work on it when I have time. It's my passion an the only thing keeping me relaxed. I'm thinking of getting rid of my 5. Flatty may be next since I'm not educated.
  16. May 4, 2008
    tommy b

    tommy b Member

    Golden, Colorado
    Oct 23, 2005

    What a great job you're doing! Really makes me envious to see how someone with school commitments can get so much done while I'm retired and can't seem to get anywhere with my jeep work. As far as getting rid of the CJ or flatty, DON'T. While I was in college in Cleveland, Ohio, I was building up a "48 Merc convertible with a 283 Corvette engine. I just about had it running when I graduated. this was in 1962. I got a job that required me to move to California, so I figured well, I'll never move back here. I sold the engine, loaded up the car with garage trash and hauled it to the crusher. :cry: It is the one car I wish I still had today, 46 years later. If you can find a place to store a vehicle or two, do it. Even if you don't get back to them for 20 or 30 years, you won't regret it. Especially after all the work you're now putting into them. Trust me. I know of what I speak. Keep up the good work. It is inspiring.

    tommy b
  17. May 4, 2008

    bkd Moderator Supreme Staff Member 2022 Sponsor

    K-Town Tenn.
    Apr 29, 2007
    Sammy some times the best thing you can do is step away from a project a bit. I have in the past, probably will in the future. Things always seem more appealing after some time away.
    Jim S.
  18. May 4, 2008
    double R

    double R Member

    Reseda, CA
    Mar 18, 2003
    i was working on my '6 throughout college: in between semesters and weekends...when i graduated (not too long ago), the thought of selling it crossed my mind since i was going to be paying for school loans and won't have the same kind of cash i can put into the project. i stopped working on it for 3 straight years while working on my day job...no fiddling here and there and i was too burnt out on weekends. i completely ignored the jeep. i just recently began working on it again a few months ago and it's fun again. i've had my project for 7 years and i was really just learning when i started the project...i'm still figuring things out. and like what bkd said, you will love it again...

    i say keep the flattie because they become cooler the longer you keep them.

    just make sure you put some kind of protection on the bare metals before you leave it...
    Last edited: May 4, 2008
  19. May 4, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Well see that's the thing, I'd like to keep it. But lately you guys seem to want me to get rid of it to succeed in school. I was doing the perfect "balancing act" with it and school. My last report card went B A B A B A, serious. I got stuck with a rotten english teacher who is about to retire, and that set into him. Its like going to school with a 3 year old, he has mood swings, he yells, pokes kids, and has temper tantrums. He turned me off to the english language, made me feel very dumb, and burned me out. I had to read Great Gatsby so I made a mistake and asked you guys how go get into the story, because I couldn't, and I get gone off on on how its my fault that I chose not to read, and it's all my Jeep's fault and this websites. I've been working my hardest, yet I'm just a junior in high school. It makes no sense to me. Finals are here May 22 so after that I can work on it all I want, unless I get a summer job. I guess I'm just frustrated...
    Oh and also, with balancing school and my true life (which is more than a Jeep) it's my family and weight lifting. When I tried school for number 1 it put me in a horrible situation. I get anxious and worried... a lot. I got ibs from it all, or fbs whatever the doctor called it. I'd get and still do get cramps from worrying too much. The teacher made it just that much worse. I don't know I guess I really need to mull it all over.
    Last edited: May 4, 2008
  20. May 4, 2008
    Bill F

    Bill F Finally running

    Hillsboro NH
    Sep 22, 2002

    First never take what people say on a forum to heart. Next just prime your tub, set it of the frame, put a cover over it and leave it until you are done for the summer. Then when you had some time to relax just pull out a small part and start working on it, get a little upset with it just put it back. I would sell the 5, two projects with school is getting ahead of yourself.

    Right now my project has taken a huge step back. My brother is pulling out my engine while I type this. I am very frustrated right now and did think about selling the jeep, for one I work in the human service field and make very little $$$. When I mentioned selling it no one in my family would let me. They all know how much the jeep means to me. Keep in mind my jeep is 3 hours north of me. Hopefully the next time I go up the engine will be back in or ready to go back in.
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