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Using An Xj As A Cheap Drive-train Overhall?

Discussion in 'Intermediate CJ-5/6/7/8' started by Stephen Gillett, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. Dec 19, 2017

    sterlclan Member 2025 Sponsor 2024 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    exploring the...
    Feb 21, 2009
    My wife’s has a 258 I will try to get pics and measure as well.
  2. Dec 19, 2017

    steve1973 Member

    Nolensville, TN
    Jul 27, 2011
    I think the Internet has created a false aura that cj5's are somehow not roadworthy. A stock intermediate has a top speed of 81 mph with 3.73 gears and 29" tires, handles fine and brakes fine with the 11 inch drums. Is it an Audi? No. Does it require anything extra to drive? No. It's a choice to do, but unnecessary in my opinion. They won't rev to high, but they are noisy. I don't have a tach and most intermediates didn't. Just not needed as they don't rev high enough to warrant it. My teenangers have a 98 XJ, and it is a perfect vehicle for them. Keep the CJ close to stock, you will smile mores roving it. JMHO
    fhoehle, colojeepguy, Willy and 2 others like this.
  3. Dec 19, 2017

    47v6 junk wrecker! 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Oct 25, 2006
    With that line of thought, my 77cj5 with a 304 was fine on the highway. I had no problems. My buddy had a cj7 with the 258 an he would drive it at 80mph up 95 all the time. These are jeeps, but just fine. They are nothing like a cj2a, 3a/3b or early cj5.
  4. Dec 20, 2017
    Stephen Gillett

    Stephen Gillett New Member

    Aug 31, 2017
    Thanks again for all the great comments, this has been very educational. I've not had this jeep for long and dove into a necessary suspension overhaul as soon as I got it. Given that, i've not had much time opportunity to really let this engine stretch it's legs. I'll keep the comments above about the 304 in mind before I do anything drastic, good to hear all these success stories about running the AMC V8 down the freeways.
  5. Dec 20, 2017

    sterlclan Member 2025 Sponsor 2024 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    exploring the...
    Feb 21, 2009
    my 304 is more than adequate. i installed all new cam bearings rods and mains runs 40 to 50 psi oil pressure at 2000 rpm all day. as far as i can tell the only difference in mounts is the 304 has two studs in the rubber while the wife's 258 has one.
  6. Dec 21, 2017
    73 cj5

    73 cj5 Not ready for the junkyard yet

    Clinton, Mississippi
    Jan 10, 2014
    Here is my very ragged out 304 running down hwy 49. It got up to 95 this last run.

  7. Dec 21, 2017

    fhoehle Sponsor

    Harford Township, PA
    Apr 11, 2012
    I don't feel that you need wider axles to run highway speeds, just some springs and bushings which aren't worn out. I have stock width axles on my CJ-6 with a 2.5 inch lift and a taller than stock frame so maybe I am 4-5" over stock height. I also run 15x8 wheels, so maybe that's all you need to be less tippy. My 225 with no OD cruises along fine at 55-60 mph towing campers, utility trailers, etc. My vote is drive it and have fun!
  8. Dec 21, 2017

    fhoehle Sponsor

    Harford Township, PA
    Apr 11, 2012
    Also, I have owned a 304 and a few 360s over the years. They all gave me good service and none made good oil pressure. None blew up either though, but a couple burned oil. They were good engines for me, if I had one I'd keep it.
  9. Dec 21, 2017
    Andy Salagaj

    Andy Salagaj Joshua70x7

    Aug 3, 2016
    My experience is good at highways speeds but the shocks, springs, steering and front end are in good shape. If you take care of maintenance you'll do fine. My definition of highway speed with an intermediate CJ5 is about 55-60. 65 is really tops unless you like to live a bit on the edge. JMHO.
    tarry99 likes this.
  10. Dec 26, 2017
    Stephen Gillett

    Stephen Gillett New Member

    Aug 31, 2017
    Wow. well, i'm turned around on my setup and really excited to get it back on the road. Thanks everyone for the all the helpful input, greatly appreciated.

    Separate question about the 304, in the process of my suspension refresh, I unbolted the down pipe from the driver-side header (de-coupled where the doughnut flange is). In doing so, one of the bolts/studs sheered so that there is approx. 1/2 inch of thread-less stud sticking out of the header. My question is this: is that a stud that is threaded into the header or is it a stud that is welded to the header? I'm trying to determine whether enough PB Blaster and Heat will eventually let me un-thread this broken stud or should I just cut it off flush, drill it out, and re-tap it?

    any input appreciated, thanks in advance.
  11. Dec 26, 2017

    sterlclan Member 2025 Sponsor 2024 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    exploring the...
    Feb 21, 2009
    if you have a mig welder weld a washer then a nut to the nub, while its still hot apply some wax(i use canning wax) wait a little while, and wind it out. without a welder heat and wax with vice grips may get it out,the drill and tap thing is a bugger as the stud will be pretty hard.
    Bowbender likes this.
  12. Dec 27, 2017

    Willy New Member

    West TN
    Dec 11, 2017
    Thank the TV news report in the early 80s where they tried to drive a CJ5 like a Corvette and even added weights to one side to make it easier to flip. The only time I ever thought I came close to rolling my old stock CJ5 was my stupidity and that stunt was never repeated. Drive it you have some sense and not try to use it for a sports car, and there's no problem with driving any CJ.
    fhoehle and 47v6 like this.
  13. Dec 27, 2017

    ITLKSEZ Hope for the best, prepare for the worst

    Veradale, WA
    Aug 13, 2015
    But... but... sometimes they get tired and like to take naps!

    fhoehle, ojgrsoi and baldjosh like this.
  14. Dec 27, 2017

    47v6 junk wrecker! 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Oct 25, 2006
    Wow, knocked all the rust off it!:D
    ITLKSEZ likes this.
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