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Shifter lever, ummm help!

Discussion in 'Intermediate CJ-5/6/7/8' started by Buddhaventura, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. Jun 21, 2010

    Buddhaventura Member

    Velle de Juarez,...
    Oct 28, 2009
    I dont even know how to explain this.. Here is a picture to help me. I am looking for the exact messurements for a NON worn out section at the end of the shift lever.. the square part in the middle. Mine has already been welded once to add more metal to replace the worn metal and now I think it needs it again. I just rebuilt my tranny with all new gears, sync, the whole shabang, cost me 600 bucks just in parts, YET I still have the issue of it wanting to pop out of second gear, nothing has changed from before the rebuild (this is why I did it.) I even had the shift forks brazed and added about 1/32-1/16" to get those back to factory width on the rub parts. Now I am thinking maybe this gap I have here in the square area could be the last culpret!!!! Maybe not pushing things as far as they need to be pushed/pulled. So I have it out and want to square it up to because it not even sqaure and get the spacing tighter but NOT TO TIGHT.. thanks for the help.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2010
  2. Jun 21, 2010

    Buddhaventura Member

    Velle de Juarez,...
    Oct 28, 2009
    Skip this post!,, more issues. I did weld up a bit on them, still no joy. It just seems like it is not engaging all the way.. I dont get it... 1st, 3rd and reverse seem to have two notches when going into gear, second only one, its doesnt have that feel of "engaged".. when driving, i would really have to smack rev, 1st and 3rd to get out of gear, 2nd gear i can use my one finger and it just slides out.. again, i have replaced everything inside.. any ideas?
  3. Jun 22, 2010

    lynn Time machine / Early CJ5 HR Rep Staff Member

    Huntingdon PA
    Sep 20, 2002
    Which transmission? We have some very good transmission folks on this board... but you have to tell they what you have before they can diagnose a problem...
    Popping out of 2nd is common for some transmissions, and it has been discussed here frequently. Have you searched using criteria "popping out of gear" ??
  4. Jun 22, 2010

    nickmil In mothballs.

    Happy Valley, OR
    Sep 23, 2002
    2nd gear synchronizer inserts or springs could be worn or the detent balls/springs in the shifter top could be worn. There could be too much endplay in the output shaft as well.
  5. Jun 22, 2010

    Buddhaventura Member

    Velle de Juarez,...
    Oct 28, 2009
    its a T-150, and yes, I have search for months on this forum and others, This is why I did the rebuild bacause as you say, it could be many things.. so i was hopeing to get it by replaceing all gears, bearings syncs, hubs the whole works, yet it still wont stay in 2nd.. feels like it just doesnt want to go in all the way. when i take off the top while in second, the hubs look like they are pushed/pull all the way into their spots.. this is really driving me crazy.
  6. Jun 22, 2010

    dave74 Sponsor

    San Angelo, Tx
    Oct 27, 2006
    I'll ask a question because I did it myself, are your shift collars installed the right direction? I had one that looked symmetrical but wasn't, the groove was offset to one side slightly which caused it to not engage completely when installed backwards.
  7. Jun 22, 2010

    Buddhaventura Member

    Velle de Juarez,...
    Oct 28, 2009
    Hmmm not sure what you are refering to: here is the inside of the tranny:
  8. Jun 22, 2010

    dave74 Sponsor

    San Angelo, Tx
    Oct 27, 2006
    Your 2-3 slider or shift collar on the right side of picture. The way I verified mine was to put it in second gear with the shifter then gently pulled the top off, the gear was not fully engaged, also when I put it to neutral it was over the syncrho blocking ring for third gear. In your picture if the slider was not moved it looks very close to what my trans looked like. I've never rebuilt a T-150, but I have done a good number of three speeds.
  9. Jun 22, 2010

    Buddhaventura Member

    Velle de Juarez,...
    Oct 28, 2009
    Actually, this was during the rebuild stage so who knows where things were.. i did pull the top off yesterday while in 2nd gear and both collars were pushed ALL the way back towards the rear.. its just doesnt seem like it catching. i was ok for about a week after the rebuild, now back to poping out of second, if i go really slow in 2nd gear you can here the grinding, then it pops out. I doesnt matter if i accelorate or not, it just wont stay in gear.
  10. Jun 24, 2010

    mortten I can’t put my finger on it 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Peninsula, Ohio
    Apr 17, 2006
    Had the same thing happen on my T-14. Had the 2-3 sift collar in backwards.
  11. Jun 28, 2010

    Buddhaventura Member

    Velle de Juarez,...
    Oct 28, 2009
    well.. is it backwards? Notice the grooves
  12. Jun 28, 2010

    nickmil In mothballs.

    Happy Valley, OR
    Sep 23, 2002
    Typically the grooves go towards the front of the transmission but I've pulled apart many that were just like yours that worked ok.
  13. Jun 28, 2010

    Buddhaventura Member

    Velle de Juarez,...
    Oct 28, 2009
    I was really hoping knowbody said that. i just spent 600 bucks in parts alone to rebuild this and i still have the same issue. When going into second, it will not stay, if i try to hold it it, it just makes a nasty noise and pops out. i dont know what else it can be. I replaced everything inside it.
  14. Jun 28, 2010

    nickmil In mothballs.

    Happy Valley, OR
    Sep 23, 2002
    Was the 2-3 synchronizer assembly replaced? Could be the teeth on the inside of the sleeve where they engage 2nd gear could be worn or the inserts or springs could be worn. If those are new and in good shape only other thing that pops out is the endplay on the output shaft. Many T-150's were shimmed to control output shaft endplay.
  15. Jun 29, 2010

    Buddhaventura Member

    Velle de Juarez,...
    Oct 28, 2009
    well, now that you mension this, that was the ONLY part Not replaced, nobody had it in stock that i could find and i was on a time crunch to have the parts brought down to me in mexico.. so I guess I lied a bit, sorry i forgot about that and now that you reminded me about it, i think i remember looking at the gears on the inside of the sleeve and they were not in that great of shape.. so this could be it. Looks like 2 more months without second gear.. wow.. i didnt think that sleeve did much as far as holding things into place.
  16. Jun 29, 2010

    Buddhaventura Member

    Velle de Juarez,...
    Oct 28, 2009
  17. Jun 29, 2010

    timgr We stand on the shoulders of giants. 2022 Sponsor

    Medford Mass USA
    Aug 10, 2003
    Man, you're spending a lot of money on parts. At some point, you have to cut your losses and take a different approach.

    You might consider contacting one of the experienced rebuilders here in the USA and see if they would exchange your transmission for a rebuilt one. The T-150 is fairly common as these transmissions go. Try calling Herm www.hermtheoverdriveguy.com or maybe R&P http://pwpinc2.qwestoffice.net/ and see if they can help you.

    The T-150 is a Ford 3-speed transmission that was built on license by Tremac for Jeep. The output has been changed to let it bolt up to the Jeep transfer case, but it's otherwise the same as a 3-speed transmission used in Ford passenger cars. I would expect parts availability to be quite good.
  18. Jun 29, 2010

    Buddhaventura Member

    Velle de Juarez,...
    Oct 28, 2009
    I wished it were that easy.. but I am in a very remote area of Mexico and parts are not available even used here or in Mexico for that matter, to get one shipped to me is 400 bucks minumum just in shipping and takes more then 30 days at this shipping price. what they do here is put in the ford 4 speed but there is no good place to have shafts recut/extendend to do this and I see broken shafts on the retro models all the time. So.. so thats kindda why i am in a pickel.. I ordered all these prts from the states and had them shipped, took two weeks to get them and 150 bucks in shipping. plus 30% duty.. sucks, but I like it here :)
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