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M38a1 Rear tire carrier and jamboree rack

Discussion in 'Builds and Fabricators Forum' started by DanStew, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Aug 20, 2013

    DanStew Preowned Merkin salesman Staff Member

    Lexington, South...
    Sep 22, 2002
    I finally got to making the carrier for my Jeep, i was tired of kicking around the spare in the garage. For this is was pretty easy since i do not have a tailgate and didnt need to make it swing out. I bolted it to the rear crossmember where i have it bolting to the frame and bolted it to the rear body mount. I am probably going to redo the basket because it is pretty darn heavy. It is bolted on so i just have to unbolt it and put the new one on. After having this thing on i really need to address my springs and get some new ones cause these are sagging too much now.



  2. Aug 22, 2013

    SpartanCJ Member

    Chardon Ohio
    Jun 29, 2013
    Nice work. I like it
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