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PSA - Which Manual Should I Buy?

Discussion in 'Intermediate CJ-5/6/7/8' started by timgr, Nov 27, 2016.

  1. iharding

    iharding Quitter

    I don't. The scans are not super high resolution anyway. If there's one that's hard to find I could gin up a PDF.
  2. Fireball

    Fireball Well-Known Member 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    I've been looking for a part catalog that covers my '69 and '70 Jeeps online and haven't found one yet. At some point I need to see if I can buy a printed one.
  3. zorn

    zorn New Member

    Thanks for this info. I just ordered an original for my ‘77 from Faxon.
  4. i got a screaming deal on a manual that had extensive information for models from the early flatties up to the early 5's. it was from a member here, matt johnsen, who gave it to me. no clue where it's from, looks to be copied as some pages run off the sides, but a very helpful guide.
    Ol Fogie likes this.
  5. John Strenk

    John Strenk Member

    I like the parts manual also. Great when looking up what parts make up an assembly.
    They often include the parts for the european versions of the CJ also.
    Sometimes I stumble across factory parts I didn't know were made for the CJ. Like step bumpers.

    I just bought 2 manuals for a Renegade. The 2018 Fiat version. 2 USB 'cards' for $200 each. But it was worth it being able to fix a problem myself, Dealer quoted me $1500 for the repair. The broken part only cost me $75.00.
    If you think CJ wiring harness are complicated....