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I quit... AGAIN

Discussion in 'Quitters' Club' started by hudsonhawk, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Nov 19, 2013

    termin8ed I didn't do it Staff Member

    Mason, MI
    Dec 22, 2002
    Couldn't remember the name but figured that's what it was.
  2. Nov 25, 2013

    Glenn Kinda grumpy old man Staff Member

    Apopka, Fl
    Sep 21, 2002
    Very nice! :)
  3. Nov 25, 2013

    hudsonhawk Well-Known Member

    North Texas...
    Feb 4, 2005
    CAN Buss Failure

    Well that was an interesting turn of events..

    I took the TH in to get the NAV upgrade done at lunch on Friday. 5 minutes after I get into the waiting room the service advisor comes out and asks me if the check engine light was on on when I drove it in. Told him no and I would have mentioned it if it was on. Apparently when he went out to write up the install the check engine light was on. He put the scanner on it and it is showing a High Speed Can Buss failure. Talked to the service department Saturday at lunch. They have to keep it until at least today. In their words, "We have never seen this code before. We are waiting on a response from Jeep." Hopefully they will get it fixed soon. I really love driving the Cherokee.

    I know this sounds like they did something wrong during the upgrade, but the Jeep had not moved from where I parked it in the service entry and I had only walked away a couple of minutes before. I don't think they had touched it yet.

    So my brand new Cherokee is at the dealer and I am driving a really nice Chrysler 300 loaner.
  4. Nov 25, 2013

    hudsonhawk Well-Known Member

    North Texas...
    Feb 4, 2005
    Got it back tonight. Jeep said this is the 6th instance of this particular code being reported to them. All the vehicle diagnostics said everything is good. Jeep told the dealer to clear the code and see if it returns. Jeep believes it is a software glitch in the pcm.
  5. Nov 28, 2013

    oddfirejeeper Active Member

    Hamilton, MI
    May 5, 2004
    lets hope they didn't copy over the liberty or was it the compass that replaced the cherokee. some manufactures do that. they offer a new line still using the other platform. the liberty or the compass was the biggest piece of crap they made, just my opinion. i personally love the xj's and wish they never got rid of it.
  6. Nov 28, 2013

    hudsonhawk Well-Known Member

    North Texas...
    Feb 4, 2005
    Technically it is the replacement for the Liberty. But, the cherokee is a completely new platform. Engine, transmission, 4x4 system... It's all brand new. It has nothing in common with its predecessors. I expect to see some errors and issues for that reason.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2013
  7. Dec 1, 2013

    oddfirejeeper Active Member

    Hamilton, MI
    May 5, 2004
    it is a nice looking jeep though
  8. Dec 1, 2013

    termin8ed I didn't do it Staff Member

    Mason, MI
    Dec 22, 2002
    I think its based off a fiat platform. Has lug bolts...
    The old liberty and new liberty are 2 different vehicles;) My 03 is a nice ride.
  9. Dec 2, 2013

    hudsonhawk Well-Known Member

    North Texas...
    Feb 4, 2005
    Towing review...

    Did the first 105 miles of the towing beak in this morning. My little trailer only weighs about 1700 lbs and I do not have a break controller yet for the trailer breaks.

    The Cherokee had no problems pulling the trailer even on bumpy back country roads. Plenty of power and never felt that the trailer was trying to wag the dog. The CH brakes were way more than adequate to stop even without the trailer brakes. Overall I am very happy with the new Cherokee.
  10. Feb 19, 2014

    Long&Low Active Member

    Geauga County, OH
    Dec 13, 2009
    Drove a new TH today, a co-worker just picked it up at the dealer last Friday. I liked it, very nice car. Good ride, firm, but not abrupt. Great seats, shifting with the auto was not very noticeable. Wth that many gears, the engine just puttered at around 1,200 rpms, goose it and it goes.
  11. Feb 20, 2014

    hudsonhawk Well-Known Member

    North Texas...
    Feb 4, 2005
    COngrats. Tell your coworker you need to keep it for a few days to mae sure it is broken in properly. ;)

    I finished the towing break in last weekend. I was able to get it up to highway speeds for the frst time. With my trailer, the CH was rock solid at 70 MPH even into a stiff head and quartering wind.
  12. Sep 14, 2014

    hudsonhawk Well-Known Member

    North Texas...
    Feb 4, 2005
    Long term update. I am now at 17K miles. Love it more every day. I did a 3100 miles round trip to Yellowstone and back pulling my camp trailer. The Jeep performed flawlessly. The ride and handling are still great. Even my wife does not mind the long road trips as much now. That is saying something as she used to hate long trips.
  13. Sep 14, 2014

    Alan28 Well-Known Member 2022 Sponsor

    Châtillon en...
    Oct 21, 2012
    Your car is still made in Toledo? it looks very nice, with all new technology.
    I drive my Jeep when in my country house, 3 weeks now with no assistance, no belt, nothing automatic.
    When I'll take again the Audi with all automatic, V6, messages for this or that, it will be difficult.
    The 4 wd of the Audi are very powerful, with automatic transmission you don't feel anything, it works.
    With the CJ5 ... it is artistic!

    What can we prefer? The CJ5 gives me a feeling of freedom.
  14. Sep 14, 2014

    hudsonhawk Well-Known Member

    North Texas...
    Feb 4, 2005
    Alan, I really enjoyed my CJ-5 while I had it. The problem I have is I am 100+ miles from the nearest places I like to camp. If I go to the Rocky Mountains that is at least 1000 miles round trip. The CJ just was not comfortable for those long trips and had limited space for camping gear in it. That is why I bought this Cherokee.
  15. Sep 14, 2014

    Alan28 Well-Known Member 2022 Sponsor

    Châtillon en...
    Oct 21, 2012
    Of course, this is obvious, the CJ is a toy.
    You cannot use it as a "normal" car. It is possible maybe with some well prepared CJ, but not mine which is quite "rustic".

    I use mine to travel around my village; long ago a friend of mine had a Willys, we used it only near Saint-Tropez, was snobish but funny. I was young. We just had to drive it once in the south, heroic trip.
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