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T-case Intermediate Shaft

Discussion in 'Early CJ5 and CJ6 Tech' started by Posimoto, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. timgr

    timgr We stand on the shoulders of giants. 2022 Sponsor

    It's electric, 220V at 26-27 amps (it's a 30 amp circuit). Efficiency really isn't an issue with electric heat, because the power is converted directly to heat. So it's nominally 100% efficient. The main issue is cost of electricity in your area - can you afford electric heat? Insulation helps a lot.

    Aside from the expense, electric is nice because it's clean, compact, and has no open flame and no asphyxiation danger. I can paint and leave the the heat on.

    I added insulation, power, air, heat and light to my little garage. I'd like to fix up the rough concrete floor ... someday. Wall board would have been a better choice for the walls. Maybe I'll change that some day.
  2. Warloch

    Warloch Did you say Flattie??? Staff Member

    My shop has insulated walls, doors and roof. Here is a link to the propane heater I use:

    Just a little crack in one of my windows and I'm good. Usually go out, fire it up, come back in and eat breakfast - back to the shop and reheat at lunch if needed :)

    Oh - an the next shop I build will have radiant heat from the cement floor. I'm getting too old for that cold cement, even with a creeper.
  3. Heatseeker

    Heatseeker Member

    I envy you guys with garages that are workable. Here's my mess:
  4. givemethewillys

    givemethewillys Been here since sparky ran it. 2022 Sponsor

    I'd love to hear your results with the AA kit. Take pics!
  5. nickmil

    nickmil In mothballs.

    Just to help you clear some clutter I'll take the ammo cans and the bike :).

    Sent from my iPhone
  6. Heatseeker

    Heatseeker Member

    Take the boat! I can hardly afford to run it anymore!mehh
  7. Danefraz

    Danefraz Well-Known Member 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    B - bring
    O - on
    A - another
    T - thousand

    Mine needed a rebuild of all four carbs this year. B.o.a.t.

    Although, it's only a 50HP merc 4stroke. Fishes well, runs about 28mph at 6k, and I almost have to stop and siphon out a little gas now and again to drop the fuel gauge, which barely works anyways... Not a ski machine per se.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. colojeepguy

    colojeepguy Colorado Springs

    I recently did the AA kit on mine. It works well, everything went together nicely, and it is quieter, but it's not a LOT quieter.
    The big problem I had was finding someone to machine the gear. I live in Colorado Springs, and I couldn't find a machine shop who would do it. I sent it to Mcruff & he did a great job for a reasonable price.
    Between the cost of the kit & shipping and machining, I've got about $225 into it...not sure I'd do it again.
    Novak's kit may be a better way to go, but I've never used that one.




  9. Heatseeker

    Heatseeker Member

    To see the fuel gauge needle drop(literally) on my boat, simply depress the throttle. Blown 470 inch BBC w/dual 850 carbs...but it will crack 90 mph on a good day. At today's prices, a fill up is around $160...b.o.a.t.

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  10. Posimoto

    Posimoto Hopeless JEEP Addict

    I just sent my gearset to Mcruff a couple of days ago. I've used Novak's shaft for two builds on my case. The first one lasted about 8 years, the last one about 3 years. I think the main problem is wear on the ID of the Intermediate gearset. It allows the gear to **** slightly under pressure and concentrates the wear on two spots on the shaft. When new the design works well, but with years of wear, not so much. The shaft with the loose rollers doesn't distribute the pressure evenly on the shaft. I think the tapered bearing approach is a much better solution.