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Fc-150 Resurrection

Discussion in 'Jeep Truck and FC Tech' started by jeep2003, Apr 16, 2022.

  1. Nov 24, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    I put the gas tank in. Im not sure if I got all the leaks welded up but i coated all the seams with pc-7 so hopefully it holds up. I didnt coat the inside with anything. The picture makes it look purple but its not. Also ran the wires for the tail lights and bolted them on. Still more to do on that. And I made the E brake handle work and made the cable. Its a garage door cable ran through a fuel line. I welded on a tab to attatch the top and used the factory bracket on the crossmember to secure it down there. The top has an eyelet and i clamped it on the factory end at the bottom. Also used a similar cable for the throttle its smaller but the stranded cable worked nice.

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    jeepstar, Fireball and Ol Fogie like this.
  2. Nov 24, 2022

    Fireball Well-Known Member 2025 Sponsor 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Pullman, WA
    Feb 9, 2018
    I love your updates on this thread. Your resourcefulness of making things from scratch is really impressive.
  3. Nov 25, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    Thanks being frugle does make it more interesting. Not just that but having stuff around that can be made to work so why not. Its a learning experience too. My brothers boss is restoring a gto and he buys so many new parts its crazy he has spent a rediculous amount of money. Its not restoring the car its replacing it. But they do make everything for it unlike the fc. Today i needed like 20 bolts for the door hinges. A normal guy would have ran down to the store to get them. I have like 5 buckets full of bolts. So I dumped out a bucket on the table and went through them till I found enough. Perfect length and everything. Just had to take the time to look. And no doubt done quicker than going the store.

    Anyway today I mounted up the driver door for the last time hopefully. Got the door stop adjusted and bondo'd it a bit. Also added some weld to a few spots on the door gap and had to make some adjustments to the door handle opening. It closes great and looks good im very happy with it. Since that went so well I started diassembling the passenger door. I got the glass frame out and the handle off. The handle is quite dented up so im going to dissasemble it and peel off the stainless skin to get the dents out. I think it should come apart not too hard. Its crimped all around but the lip is quite small. The alternative is to leave it dented or buy another one. So why not try.
    Twin2, Stakebed, jeepstar and 2 others like this.
  4. Nov 26, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    Picked up this old chev for pretty much free from my brothers boss. It died last year when the night kid let it run all night and it ran out of gas. They couldnt get it going again they think the injectors or something is clogged up. We got it for the parts it has an almost new transmission for our tahoe. and i can use the tires seat belts and such for the Jeep. I might use the rear bench seat too it fits pretty good im just not sure if its too far forward for the driver. We are selling the plow and splitting the money with his boss. Already tore off the plow and box . Probably just going to store the rest until we need the parts.

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  5. Nov 27, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    Today I worked on finishing up the tail light wiring also added a trailer connector. Not very fun but its done and now I can screw down the bed boards
  6. Nov 28, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    Got my tires off the truck and ready to change over. I still have to clean up two more 16" wheels. One is a 5 1/2 and 3 are 4 1/2" so they are going to be a little bulged they are on 7" wheels now. I think itll be ok. Also found a puddle under my driver side brake drum the grease was dripping out. I didnt replace the seal on that side because i didnt have any more on hand and it looked ok. But now i have a stack of nos seals from that swap meet pile back in the spring. So i put one in there its a bit weird but fits quite tight so it should seal ok fingers crossed. Luckily I havnt been rolling it around so no lube got on the shoes.

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    dozerjim, Ol Fogie, Fireball and 2 others like this.
  7. Dec 4, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    I got my tires mostly mounted and installed they look good. Not exactly the look i was envisioning but its a good look . I got the door handle peeled apart and knocked out the dents and cleaned up the rust. Just have to put it all back together. And my buddy supposidly got the glass made so we'll see what comes of that. Also been working on the door frames I pulled the widow felt channels out and rather than buying new ones because they are expensive Im just putting new felt on the old channels. I have a pair of velvety girls pants that is working good. It took a few tries to figure out the technique for glueing it in but its working. I did two and have 4 more to do. I have to remake one channel that was rusted too much.

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  8. Dec 7, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    Now im diggin into the passenger door. Got the skin off so i can tidy up the inside and fix along the bottom and such. Also painting the window frames for both sides. I dont know if I mentioned it but im doing the interior rust-oleum smoke gray. I had a quart and ran out. Well I bought another quart and it was also smoke gray but in the white can which isnt the "professional" grade. Its junk! Its all laquer and has very little pigment so it doesnt cover at all. I took it back and got the professional grade but they only have it in gallons now. Well i guess im going to be painting alot of things gray from now on lol Also i have some cool 4" slim fog lights im going to put in the bumper. I drilled the holes right between the licence plate and where the bumperettes would go so nothing would interfere and be even. But im not putting the bumperettes on atleast for now since i only have one.
    Twin2, jeepstar, Ol Fogie and 2 others like this.
  9. Dec 15, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    Well turns out the radiator is shot. Many tubes were paper thin and poked right through. So im trying to figure out what will work best. Early mustang radiator might work but 4" taller than original I dont know if i want it hanging down that low. People say thats an option but I havnt heard of anyone actually doing it. Honda civic is a good height but only 14" wide the original is 16" and the outlet on the bottom is on the wrong side. Datsun B110 is similar to the honda but even narrower it has the outlet on the correct side but they are tiny only 1". I have to measure my 2a radiator but according to the internet that might fit too.
    Anyway Im working on the dash now. I got the master cyl all mounted it looks good just have to do the lines. I had to make a new lower panel for the dash i just hammered the old one flat and used it for a pattern. And im welding up all the unneeded holes and rust. I cut out a square hole for the brake resivoir and ill put a hinged flap to cover it .
    Ol Fogie likes this.
  10. Dec 16, 2022

    jeepstar Well-Known Member 2025 Sponsor 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Jun 28, 2006
    I tried a few different radiators on my FC when I was building one. I ended up just buying a new one because nothing could fit. The way you're going I'm sure you can make something work though.
  11. Dec 16, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    I inquired with champion radiators to see what they say. I see griffin makes custom ones too but i suspect it will be atleast 350$. for the price I think im going to go with a civic radiator. They are around 100. and come with an electric fan. Thats the part i was trying to avoid but its probably for the better im sure it will cool better it will just add a bit of complexity with the wiring. Im running an alternator anyway so its not a problem to run it. I couldnt use the stock fan with it because the hose on top comes out in the center and it will also give me room to route the lower hose across. The mustang radiator will be too tall and wide. They are a better fit for the 170's i guess.
    Fireball likes this.
  12. Dec 18, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    We got the brake lines finished up to the master and tried to bleed it. One of the front cyls that I didnt replace sprang a leak before we got any pedal. It wasnt unexpected. New ones are only 10 bucks a piece! I swear they wernt that cheap when I looked before. Hopefully they fit and itll be sorted.
    jeepstar, Stakebed and Fireball like this.
  13. Dec 22, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    Got the brakes back together and working. They might need another round of bleeding. The cyls wern't exactly the same as the old ones but i swapped the pistons and drilled another mounting hole and they are good. Heres some pics of where i split the door to line up the latch better. And my master setup. The looped supply lines are not ideal but i got the bubbles out and it seems to work. If I can get some 90s and get a straight shot it will be better. Also i made a flap on the dash to access it. Now im working on the speedo gauge. I had a spare but the original seems to be in better shape so i cleaned it up and I think itll be good. Also started running the rest of the wires for the engine up to the dash.

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    62FC-150, jeepstar and Fireball like this.
  14. Dec 23, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    Iv been looking for wiper arms and blades I kinda wanted stainless ones but apparantly like everything else they are oddballs and unobtanium. So I just cleaned up the originals and painted them silver they look great. I put new springs on them they were gone I used brake springs. For the wipers i dug through my box and found some. One of them i had to change the attachment point luckily i had the old ones and they were good because they are stainless the rest of it was steel and nothing left of it. So i screwed it onto a good wiper blade.

    Also had to fix the shafts that the arms go on. One side was complete but the nut was galled up and its an odd thread 5/16-32 . I dont have a tap for that. So I ended up cutting off the thread and welded a bolt on both shafts with a more common thread and used regular cap nuts instead of the weird long one. Its all good now. I want to put it all in but the front end needs another coat of paint first. So I finished up the wiring to the engine and took out the fan in preperation for the new radiator.
    jeepstar and Fireball like this.
  15. Dec 24, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    Didnt even go outside today since it was 1 degree but got something done. I repainted and recovered the arm rests and door tops in black. Im not sure what they are from I thought 58 chevy but i dont think so. They look just like the original ones just the mounting holes are like 1/4" wider. They came out nice. Im going to do the door panels I think with carpet on the bottom and vinyl on top with vertical pleating. I have lots of vinyl from old truck bed covers so ill use that. Maybe a chrome strip to seperate the carpet and vinyl. Also got my new radiator so thats next. I'll just have to make some mounts and a shroud to hold the fan. and make the hoses fit
    jeepstar and Fireball like this.
  16. Dec 27, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    Radiator is in and came out great. I'll try to get some pics of that. The oil pressure sender I have a dozen switches but they all are on when pressurised. I needed one on when not so the light goes on when no pressure. I found one on a parts lawn tractor engine i have. It seems quite low pressure but thats ok itll work. Also running the vacuum line for the wipers. I have a vacuum canister but im not going to use it for now ill see how it works without it. Then finish hooking up the alternator wires and all with the engine should be done. Ill put the sheetmetal over it and i can work on the seat mounts and belts.
    jeepstar and jeepermc like this.
  17. Dec 28, 2022

    jeepstar Well-Known Member 2025 Sponsor 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Jun 28, 2006
    Can't wait to see this on the road
    jeep2003 likes this.
  18. Dec 30, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    Its gonna be fun for sure! So it was warm today so i put the headliner in. It went great. I bungee'd a 1x4 across the door frames hooked on the drip rails to hold it up while i lined up the back and worked my way forward and around the sides. It was a workout. I put the engine cover on so i didnt smash anything crawling on top of it. And i see there is a piece missing in front ill need to fix. Also the engine cover front latches dont line up. This isnt the original cover it was a different color so they must have changed over the years. I'll move the lower brackets back to line up. Also some pics of the radiator mounting. I drilled the studs for pins and put rubber washers in to keep it all snug. I used the rest of that stainless industrial vacuum wand to make the long hose down to the lower neck

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  19. Dec 30, 2022

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    Also I put in the speedometer cable. Its too short its a 112" you can see it in the radiator pic stretched diagonally across the engine bay. I took the shortest possible route and I think itll just barely work.
    Danefraz likes this.
  20. Jan 2, 2023

    jeep2003 Well-Known Member

    Upstate NY
    May 30, 2006
    Now im fitting the seats and seatbelts. Its alot going on all at the same time fitting everything and making everything work together. The driver side i used the original mount/sliders got the seat mounted and its in a great position the slider works and everything. Then I realised the doghouse latches that didnt match up were going to be a problem. I already moved the passenger side back to match up but i should have moved them to the forward position because the seat kinda hits it and theres no room for the belt to go through. So i moved them all forward. But the belts from that chevy pickup can all be made to work. Just making them lap belts with no retractors will work best. The passenger seat has its sliders and they work so since the jeep didnt come with a passenger seat i dont have any original stuff so those mounts will all be custom. I want to make a limiter strap because they are fixed back and i dont want it to hit the windshield when folded forward. I also want a latch to keep it down in the back but im not sure how i can do that. It kinda needs to be on the side of the seat so it has freedom to slide on the rails. The driver side i think i can get away without a latch. I have cusions for the center and rear seat. Its going to work out nice.
    jeepstar and Fireball like this.
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